Build Confidence By Learning Math Online

Develop critical thinking skills through our interactive online Maths classes.

Key Foundation Skills

Through our online classes, we help students learn Math in a meaningful and engaging way. We provide interactive learning experiences designed to help foster an understanding of fundamental concepts. Our thorough and comprehensive classes enable students to learn Math from the comfort of their own homes. Unlock your child’s potential today with our award-winning online Maths classes.


Support your child to identify and match colours. Your child will name and sort primary and secondary colours while relating them with everyday objects.


Recognising patterns helps your child make predictions on what comes next. Your child will extend and create simple to complex patterns.


Unlock your child’s logical thinking to identify and compare shapes. Your child will trace lines into shapes and form new figures.


Build your child’s understanding of comparative vocabulary to match and measure objects. Your child will learn how to read graphs and tell time.


Develop your child’s spatial awareness to understand the concept of direction, distance and location. Your child will respond to positional words and follow directions.


Empower your child to master counting and set them up for success in Math with our online classes.


Equip your child to learn all the different operations in Math and make sense of mathematical equations online.

Progressive Learning Journey In Our Online Math Classes

  • L1
  • L2
  • L3
  • L4
  • L5
  • L6
  • L7
  • L8


  • Identify primary colours
  • Sort colours


  • Identify basic shapes and parallelograms
  • Trace curved and straight lines


  • Recognise and trace numerals (1 – 8)
  • Associate quantities to numerals

Spacial Awareness

  • Follow simple directions relating to the position of an object


  • Rote count and count reliably (1-8)
  • Master one to one correspondence


  • Compare objects by one attribute
  • Make simple comparisons between objects


  • Identify secondary colours
  • Sort colours


  • Recognise and extend simple patterns


  • Identify shapes and its properties
  • Relate shape with objects in the environment


  • Recognise and trace numerals (1 – 10)
  • Learn simple addition and subtraction

Spacial Awareness

  • Follow simple directions relating to the position of an object


  • Rote count and count reliably (1-10)
  • Master one to one correspondence


  • Compare objects by one attribute
  • Master concept of more/less/same


  • Identify one colour from a group of three colours


  • Recognise simple AB and ABC patterns
  • Relate AB patterns to the everyday environment


  • Identify 3-5 sides polygons and its properties


  • Writing numerals (1-19)
  • Identify ‘+’, ‘-’ and ‘=’ maths sign

Spacial Awareness

  • Describe relative positions (e.g. inside / outside, above / below)


  • Add two sets of objects together (1-13)
  • Subtract quantities from one group of objects (1-10)


  • Measure and compare objects by length, weight and height using non standard units
  • Sort one category from an assortment of sizes, length and weight


  • Identify one colour from a variety of colours
  • Sort objects by 2 attributes (e.g. colour with size or shape)


  • Recognise simple AB and ABC patterns


  • Identify 6-10 sides polygon (e.g hexagon)


  • Write numerals (1-50)
  • Add up to 3 sets of numbers with objects (1-20)

Spacial Awareness

  • Master describing relative positions (above/below)


  • Add up to three sets of numbers in tens
  • Subtract quantities from one group of objects


  • Match number names to its numerals (1-20)
  • Master concept of first and last


  • Identify tone of primary colours (red and yellow)


  • Extend, create and complete simple patterns by attributes


  • Identify basic shapes in parts (½ and ¼ )
  • Use basic shapes to form larger shapes


  • Master writing numerals (1-99)
  • Add and subtract numbers in tens and ones

Spacial Awareness

  • Master indicating an object’s location through positional words


  • Count reliably in sequence (1-99)
  • Combine sets of tens in sequence (10-90)


  • Compare quantities and adding on to make each set equal
  • Measure objects by weight and width using comparative vocabulary


  • Identify tone of primary colours (blue)


  • Use equilaterlal or right angle triangles to form a figure
  • Use basic shapes to form a figure (whole and half shape)


  • Add and subtract numbers of tens and ones horizontally
  • Understand number notation and place value
  • Solve story sums


  • Count reliably in sets of tens and ones (1-99)
  • Group even and odd sets (10-20)


  • Compare number of items in a graph
  • Measure objects by length, weight and height using units
  • Identify and understand order and names of months in a year


  • Identify and form secondary colours


  • Create complex patterns using 3D shapes


  • Identify geometric solids (e.g. sphere, cube and cone)


  • Write numerals (1-909)
  • Add and subtract numbers vertically

Spacial Awareness

  • Make simple sketches or maps with directions to locate objects
  • Recognise and identify elements by position


  • Count reliably in sequence (1-999)


  • Identify items in pictorial, modular and numeral graph charts
  • Sort numerals or number words in order


  • Identify and form secondary colours


  • Recognise and complete number patterns


  • Identify 2D and 3D geometric solids (e.g. pyramid, cylinder and rectangular prism)
  • Master concepts of flip/turn/side of an object


  • Add and subtract from sets
  • Master multiplication and division (2, 3, 4, 5)


  • Master counting and dividing equally


  • Compare money amount using cents and dollars
  • Identify and write time by the hour and minute
  • Measure and compare using the metric system

Interactive Online Lesson Modules

Story Castle

Be immersed in Math through stories where your child will be exposed to Math concepts. Your child will engage in playful Math experiences such as counting objects and problem-solving.

What your child will learn:

  • Apply mathematical thinking
  • Develop number sense
  • Practise counting

Riddle Me

Build your child’s confidence in Math with a focus to count and solve questions independently. Your child will begin to perform simple calculations such as addition and subtraction.

What your child will learn:

  • Count reliably
  • Add numbers together
  • Write numerals
EDOOVO Award-Winning Online Enrichment Classes for Kids

Math It

Story sums are highly regarded in the Math curriculum, as it enhances your child’s mental skill and boosts creative thinking. Your child will develop the ability to solve Math word problems.

What your child will learn:

  • Make comparisons
  • Combine sets of numbers
  • Identify items in graphs

Math in Life

Connecting the dots between learnt Math concepts and everyday life will help reinforce your child’s learning progress. Your child will solve real-world problems using Math skills that they have previously learnt.

What your child will learn:

  • Identify shapes
  • Recognise patterns
  • Describe relative positions


Our online Math enrichment classes provide an engaging and enjoyable way to learn Math. Different from regular tuition classes, our Math enrichment classes teach Math with immersive storytelling and virtual rewards. Find out what parents have to say about our online Maths classes!

My son has been attending EDOOVO Math enrichment classes for 9 months and he loves the interaction with his teacher and friends. Teachers are highly engaging and attentive to the students’ individual progress. Really appreciate the feedback to help me keep track of his progress. Glad to see him enjoy learning Math online!
EDOOVO Online Enrichment Classes for Kids | Testimonial
Parents of Oscar
It’s my first time enrolling my child in EDOOVO Maths enrichment class and I can say that it’s similar if not better than most Maths tuition online. Classes are fun and interactive with rewards to encourage students to participate in class. It’s been easier to get my child to learn Math online on her own ever since we joined.
EDOOVO Online Enrichment Classes for Kids | Testimonial
Parents of Cassie
Fun and engaging way to learn Math online! My kids were able to absorb Maths concepts easily with the interactive real-time teaching EDOOVO online Math classes have to offer. The duration of the class was perfect for both of them as well. Highly recommended for other parents to try it out!
EDOOVO Online Enrichment Classes for Kids | Testimonial
Parents of Azura and Aishah

Frequently Asked Questions

EDOOVO’s Math enrichment classes are designed to build children’s foundational skills in colour, geometry, patterning, comparison, spatial awareness, counting and Math operation. Our Math modules include “Story Castle” to introduce Math concepts through storytelling, “Riddle Me” to promote independent problem-solving skills, “Math It” to enhance mental and creative thinking skills, and “Math in Life” to reinforce Math concepts through real-world problems.
Designed for kids ages 3 to 8, our Math lessons are adapted from Singapore M.O.E’s syllabus and made fun and interactive through real-time teaching. Unlike most online Math tuition, your child will learn Math online effectively in a small class setting with a dedicated online teacher. Through immersive storytelling and virtual rewards, students are encouraged to engage actively and learn effectively while having fun.
Held on our sole proprietary online learning platform, our Math enrichment classes can be easily accessed via our website or Student App. Learn more about our learning experience here.